
See through the eyes of energy

Shifting to Self Empowerment

Published about 1 month ago • 3 min read

Hiya, Reader!

What an important week lies before us. With only 10-days until the life-catalysing 'Total Solar Eclipse on The Super New Moon' The Eclipse Doorway of Opportunity is heating up and I know that you're feeling it. We're all in the midst of personal transformation.

Perhaps your physical body is purging and is in pain? Perhaps you're extra tired, as your body upgrades and repairs? Perhaps you're being triggered emotionally, as old shames are uncovered? Perhaps you're releasing suppressed anger built up over many years? You may also be feeling inspired and extra spurts of creativity and ideas. You may have a pendulum of this many times a day!

We're all reacting differently within the 2-week (Eclipse Doorway) between the first eclipse (on last week's Full Moon) and the final Total Solar Eclipse on the Super New Moon on April 8/9. No matter who you are and no matter where you live, your life (and the lives of those close) is being influenced by these cosmic events.

Even though I know this, I cannot bypass this either. For example, I got SHINGLES March 8...I'm having lots of waves of fatigue. When I wake up though my mind is racing with ideas and projects. Lately I've done remote face readings and space clearing with so much healing.

It's important to be mindful and come to your senses. It's important to be your future self now. I hope you take 5 minutes a day to get centered and do that with me here:

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I invite you to put your health, healing and soul purpose first by making a discerning choices. Here's a video with some other tips to ride out April where you EMPOWER yourself by transforming what seems to be shit to SHIFTS!

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Health is your GREATEST Wealth. I hope you take 10 minutes to look over the Skinny60 program to. The deadline to sign up is April 1st. I really owe my renewed health because of this program. Not only did I learn ninja skills and recipes for non-inflammatory foods with food combining for every stage of the waves of healthy stuff, it gave me coaching and a community to do the journey with. There are sooo many side benefits where it helped with my nervous system regulation, my relationships with myself and others. It helped me have more RESTFUL sleep, stress management, and HORMONES!


Do not miss joining the program now and getting lifetime access to these resources. This is the last time Tess will be offering at the price of $599. The July cycle with be $997.

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You will be ASTOUNDED at how incredible you can feel in just two months. The food is some of the best food I have ever had and you get to have LOTS of it. Weight loss is a SIDE BENEFIT

And, if this isn't the right fit for you in the first two weeks, she will give you a full refund.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


This is a LIVE program where everybody participates together. You will get personal access to Tess and her dietitians for 60 days. They will get to know you, and you can ask as many questions as you need to and get on live calls and speak to experts face to face to make sure you achieve your goals!

Everybody starts on April 8th and the cycle finishes on June 6th. But, the cut off to join is April 1st because there is a live prep week so Tess and her team can help you get ready for a full 9 weeks of results.

If you have gut health issues, and are feeling tired, bloated, have excessive inflammation, your hormones are out of whack, you’re struggling with aches and pains, you’re not sleeping through the night, you’re struggling to lose some weight, or you just want to learn how to make healthy food that is mind-blowingly delicious.

In health and devotion,

Thuy​ "twee"

Chief Happiness Officer | Muse | Spiritual Ninja

See through the eyes of energy

Remember my name by counting "1,2, TWEE"

With Chinese face reading, spaces clearing, and energy medicine I increase your LUCK in LOVE & LIFE. I'm a spiritual ninja and active your muse so you can flow with ease and living authentically. My spiritual ninja mission is to help you find peace in your head, heart, and home.

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