
Face Your Life Through the Face Reading, Space Clearing & Energy Medicine

For International Woman's Day ~ I'm celebrating YOU

Published 2 months ago • 3 min read

Aloha Reader

Cheers to Strong Women. May we know them, raise them and be them. Happy International Women's Day!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to let you know I am thinking of you and sending you love on this special day. I am honored to know you. Remember your magic. Remember YOU ARE MAGIC!

💫 Today isn't just a celebration; it's a gentle reminder of our combined strength, beauty, and unyielding spirit. As we navigate life's twists and turns, let's remember to uplift, support, and cherish each other, making every step an empowering dance.

💖 In my face reading and energy healing work, many times the theme of being enough comes up. I want you to to own this today. YOU ARE ENOUGH!

Below is a coaching email from my coach Tess Masters from her SKINNY60 program. (This the gut reset program I am in.)

I hope you take the time out to do this journal prompt and get to your truth. From there you will heal a part of you to reveal the strength and beauty you truly are.

"I am enough."

"Can you say it?

If you can't say it, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and think it.

Then, take another deep breath and whisper it.

Then, take another deep breath and say it on full voice.

What does it feel like when you say "I am enough" out loud to yourself?

"I am enough."

Does this truth feel like an impossible truth?

Does the idea that you are enough today make you uncomfortable?

Does it feel like a lie?

Or, does "I am enough" feel good in your mouth and in your mind and in your heart?

Can you believe "I am enough"?

Notice what thoughts and emotions are coming up for you when you tell yourself that "I am enough."

Take out a notebook or paper and a pen (so that you can write your thoughts in your own hand), and make some notes about any words or thoughts or memories that come up when you say to yourself "I am enough."

I encourage you to do this exercise every day for the next few weeks, and notice how things shift for you. We will revisit this conversation regularly throughout the cycle.

If you cannot hold "I am enough" and you are feeling very confronted and are overwhelmed by this practice, be brave and take this as a sign that you really need to engage with this practice.

If you cannot hold the truth that "I am enough" today, let me hold it for you until you can hold it.

And, ask yourself "Why can't I believe that I am enough, and what do I have to do to believe I am enough?"

I encourage you to write down a list of all of the things you are grateful for in your life, and write down all of the things that make you happy.

You have those things because you ARE enough. It is OK to want more. It is OK to want to be better. But, you are really great today!

"The glass is half full, and the other half was delicious! "

You ARE enough.

You are enough exactly the way you are today.

You are enough with all of your beauty.

You are enough with all of your "flaws" or things you would like to be better at.

You are enough with all of the learning and growing you have already experienced.

You are enough with all of the "mistakes" and regrets and missed opportunities.

You are enough with all of your hopes and dreams.

You are enough with the skills and knowledge you have today.

You are enough with all of the things you don't know and don't understand.

You are enough with all of the things you still want to learn and do and experience.

You are enough with whatever energy and capability and capacity you have today.

You ARE enough.

You are in control of how you talk to yourself.

How do you choose to talk to yourself?

Do you speak to yourself with respect?

Are you gentle and kind to yourself?

Are you understanding?

Are you loving?

Do you listen to yourself?

Do you encourage yourself?

Do you trust yourself?

Do you forgive yourself?

Or, do you use a mean voice when you talk to yourself?

Do you beat yourself up?

Do you judge yourself?

Would you talk to your friend or your child the way you talk to yourself?

If you're being mean to yourself, why do you do that?

Who did you learn that from? Did that person also talk to you like that?

How does it serve you to talk to yourself in a demeaning way?

Notice how you talk to yourself.

When you catch yourself being mean, can you redirect yourself, and consciously shift your tone to be loving and accepting.

Can you choose different words and phrases to think about yourself and describe yourself?

The words you use to talk to yourself matter.

Words are powerful. Choose your words carefully.

The words you use teaches you how to think about yourself. And, thoughts become things.

The words you use shape your story."

It is my intention that this shifts you to believing you are enough and having more cerebration and play in your life. I want you to access your magic, change your luck, become a magnet so things flow with ease to you.

With Love & Excitement,

Thuy "twee"

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Face Your Life Through the Face Reading, Space Clearing & Energy Medicine

Remember my name by counting "1,2, TWEE"

With Chinese face reading, spaces clearing, and energy medicine I increase your LUCK in LOVE & LIFE. I activate your muse so you can flow with ease and live authentically with your elements. My spiritual ninja mission is to help you find peace in your head, heart, and home. Join 2600 people in co-creating our new realities.

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