
Face Your Life Through the Face Reading, Space Clearing & Energy Medicine

How to EMBODY your new reality NOW

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hiya, Reader!

You CREATE your Future in the PRESENT! 🎉

🌸 Have you felt the SHIFT this week from last week? i'm so glad SPRING has SPRUNG!

As you know last week took me down with the SHINGLES. I was emotional, tired, mad. I knew this was part of the universe making space for the NEW REALITY to SPRING into our new realities. I'm feeling RENEWED and filled with more resonance, intuition, wisdom, patience, and healing.

I hope the emails in the following 6 weeks help you turn the shit into shifts to live your more AUTHENTIC life. With Eclipse Season, it's lots of endings and portals.

I hope you light up eveytime you see my email, being curios to what I have to share now to make your life more CLEAR, COURGEOUS, FORGIVING, and BLISSFUL. I can get wordy as I'm a NERD so I'm playing with new ways to present info and REAL engagement with you. We all get so OVERWHELM with info. I'm open to any of your suggestions, just reply to let me know.

🌱This week, gather the data, play, and DREAM!

Embrace your evolution, what you want in your life and community, and what you want to FEEL like and SHINE into the world. Here's my video to help you EMBRACE the grays, lines and beauty of it all to upgrade to YOU 8.0.

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🌱Old parts of you will come up! Let's thank our body for helping us survive all those years and heal our NERVOUS/TRUAMA response.

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🌟 Embracing your wrinkles and all its beauty, finding harmony in your elements, devotion, purpose, and sensitivities.

So MANY of us have hidden symmetries of the earth element but the WOOD element masks it up.

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🌷Don't miss out on our LUCKY FACE READING Special, Only $77.77 from $135.

8 are still AVAILABLE <<Get it NOW>>

I believe in numbers. I'm offering only 13 of these face reading specials at the price of $77.77. It's available until they all go.

You must purchase it in our online store. Afterwards schedule it on our website booking section.

Pick Prepaid 1 hour option so it doesn't ask you for your credit card to schedule your face reading.

I'll reveal your "ASSET" areas on your face and other superpowers to help you navigate this years waves of opportunities.

While online, get our new Luna Lover Earrings and Self Tanner! GLOW where-ever you flow!

🌱With Love, Power, and Peace

Thuy​ "twee"

Chief Happiness Officer | Muse | Spiritual Ninja

Face Your Life Through the Face Reading, Space Clearing & Energy Medicine

Remember my name by counting "1,2, TWEE"

With Chinese face reading, spaces clearing, and energy medicine I increase your LUCK in LOVE & LIFE. I activate your muse so you can flow with ease and live authentically with your elements. My spiritual ninja mission is to help you find peace in your head, heart, and home. Join 2600 people in co-creating our new realities.

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