Are you a lunatic like I am? Breathe. Use the moon phases to shine your light

Aloha Reader

As you know I love the moon, you can call me a lunatic. 😁 This is a long email packed with info, because this season is not to be taken lightly. Save this and pass it along to your moon lovers.

I learned to eat, plan, rest, and grow with the rhythms of moon, which makes so much more sense! Life flows because nature does not know good or bad, only what it needs to move forward.

I hope this helps you unlock a total new way of being using the moon phases to work with your moon phases.

We are ALL going through a transitional time. It requires awareness and adaptability. When you use these methods, it flows with ease and helps heal your DIGESTIVE and NERVOUS system.

There is a cycle to everything.

There are 4 moon phase, the Full Moon, Wanning, New Moon, and Waxing. They are representations of our cycles as well. Sometimes the physical moon phases sync up with your natural moon phases and sometimes they don't.

ALWAYS go with your moon phase. Honor your body!

🌕The full moon phase is about 3-4 days where its more active and bright and it's to your advantage to be seen, if you want to be! If you have a business, go to those networking events, be on social media more with your offerings. You are more magnetic during this time. This is also more for "releasing" energy.

🌑The new moon/dark moon is about 3-4 days and about dreams and rest.

🌖Then there are about 10 days of transitions with wanning and waxing to get to the moons.

As much as I like being in the full moon phase, it's not sustainable.

My friend Tess had a great email and webinar about this in her Skinny60 program. This is the gut reset program I proudly endorse because it helped me get me life back from my colitis and menopause.

This is more than a Gut Reset Program, the LIVE and Coaching part of it is life changing. Today is the last day to sign up for this LIVE round. We start Sept 17th. Put FRIENDS500 in the coupon code to save $500. Check it out and enroll now. Happiness is Guaranteed.

Do you like to watch a video or read?

We all are overloaded and have different learning styles. Here's the video where I read you Tess's email. Then the written notes are below so you can refer back to! Enjoy! 😁💕

video preview

🌑Dark Moon Phase

This is where the moon is in complete shadow.

Being in the dark of the moon doesn't necessarily mean a dark time in your life. This is a necessary time to rest, reflect, and to regenerate.

And, this is so important to do for quality of life. This is a vital phase to ground yourself and gather resources. It is in this quieter state that you have greater access to your own wisdom without outside distractions.

What the dark of the moon invites you to do is just stop for a moment, catch your breath, rest and reset, because that is what she is doing. She's there, but she's not shining any light in this phase. She's pulling into herself and reflecting on her inner world rather than reflecting everything that is going on in the outside world.

We often feel like there is nothing here for us in this dark phase, and interpret this place as emptiness, loneliness, a place of limbo and “not knowing” where we are static and not moving. We see this state as a negative place, and a passive place that is useless, as if we’re wasting time when we could be achieving something!

This dark moon phase can be a very uncomfortable place to be. “I want to know what the answers are and what I'm supposed to be doing. Where am I going? What should I be looking forward to?”

Not knowing what will happen and what the next thing is, and “feeling lost” can be a really terrifying and uncomfortable place. But, if you can stop and allow yourself to feel the discomfort, and ask questions of yourself, you can move into a place of deeper understanding and awareness, and find your true purpose.

🌖Waxing Moon Phase

This is a time for preparation. You may experience excitement and anticipation as you fill up.

But, it is important to note that the moon grows a little bit at a time when she's in her waxing face. She doesn't go from dark to full overnight. There's a slow progression of a couple of weeks where she's waxing, and you see a little bit more of her each night.

The waxing phase teaches us patience, and that it is OK to pace ourselves and go slowly, because if we go too fast we might miss the beauty of the moment, overlook something, not recognize a problem, and not be able to course correct if we are going in the wrong direction.

You don't have to rush your journey. The moon is not unhappy that she's taking her time, she's just doing her thing. One night she's this, and the next night she's a little bit more, and she's not judging herself for not being completely full yet because she knows it takes time.

If you rush, you miss the opportunity to see where you actually have resources and support available to you that would make your growth journey a little easier and more fulfilling. You can get more out of your filling up process if you allow other people in on your journey.

🌕Full Moon Phase

This is the state when the moon is at her brightest. She is full and round and juicy, and she is shedding so much light!

Modern culture teaches us that our "best face" is when we are full, big, easy to see, and at our “peak”.

But, the full moon phase is not only about accomplishing a goal or improving ourselves in a certain way. Full can also mean we have reached a crisis point, a breakthrough, a moment of clarity about what needs to change. There is incredible relief and contentment in that, and because of how much light the full moon shines, she can give you a lot of clarity.

It is also easy to embrace the idea that your identity is wrapped up in your accomplishments or your job.

The fullness state is not sustainable. And, if you try to stretch this phase out longer than is possible, you will burst. Staying in the full phase can also create anxiety, imposter syndrome, or dissatisfaction with what you’ve created when you see it in its full expression.

If you stay in the full phase and you only want to stay there, you are actually choosing to be inert. This choice may look like constant achievement. “Wow, look at how big and beautiful and bright she is! She is superwoman!” But, not allowing yourself to empty, retreat, and reflect is a form of inertia that does not produce any energy or movement in your life. You are stuck in one state of being.

🌘Waning Moon Phase

Waning, like waxing, is a slow and steady progression, and gives us time to fully integrate and appreciate the fullness we have just experienced. This time is necessary to enjoy the fruits of our labor and what we have earned so we don’t forget the lessons. This phase also gives us time to gradually prepare for the next phase when we will be full again.

In Western culture, we tend to view the waning phase as something bad, as a loss, as something unnatural, and something to be avoided. But, what the moon teaches us is that this emptying is a necessary part of a healthy energetic cycle. And, the moon empties gradually. She doesn’t drop from completely bright one night and then dark the next, and she is still beautiful in this phase, and teaches us grace in letting things go instead of constantly grieving and mourning, or perhaps beating ourselves up because something is going away.

If the fullness has been the height of a crisis or problem, it is common to go into a place of beating yourself up for letting the terrible thing happen or not learning the lesson sooner. “How did I let this happen?”

But, what is beautiful about the waning phase is that it also allows you to integrate whatever you've been through in the full moon phase, and think about how you will apply the lessons and make different choices in the future.

Taking your time and surrendering to the slowness of the waning phase is especially important if you are in a big period of transition making big changes. If you don’t take time to integrate the changes, you won’t carry the lessons forward into the next phase into the dark, and you won’t have truth to rest with.

The waning phase reminds us to be gentle with ourselves.

Allowing yourself to move into the darkness for a while is a necessary part of healing. “OK. That was intense. I’ve had my fill. Now, I'm going to empty out and allow myself time to digest what I've had on the way in order to gently move into a different place.”

This integration and regeneration phase is a vital step in making long-term food and lifestyle changes.

You may experience multiple phases in one day.

You may be in different phases of darkness, waxing, fullness, and waning in different parts of your life (personal, professional, etc), and you also move through different phases within a quick 10 minute period as you process something. And, you may beat yourself up about this process: “Why am I spinning my wheels with this? Why can’t I settle?” The moon teaches us that this process of movement is normal and natural, and this is actually a form of being present and acknowledging the moment that you are in and just being okay with that.

The moon spends the same amount of time in each phase.

The moon teaches us that change is normal and necessary and beautiful.

She teaches us that “This too shall pass.” Nothing is going to stay. This reality is really comforting, particularly when you find yourself in a painful and confronting place. The moon models giving yourself permission to be in the process because she gives herself permission. She doesn't need anybody else to give her permission. She just does what she does. She's there showing up in whatever phase she is in saying, “Look at how gorgeous I am no matter what phase I'm in.”

It is really important that you honor your natural cycles.

Not only the cycles in your physical body, but your emotional cycles, and psychological cycles. The moon teaches us that everything has to move because that's how you create energy. If things stop, they become stagnant and die. Movement has to be taking place for there to be life, for there to be creation, and for there to be energy. A big part of Native American culture is understanding how the rhythms of nature create life. So if you get stuck in only your fullness or only your darkness, then you are not allowing energy to flow.

With Love & Excitement,

Thuy "twee"

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800 S. Sheridan, Denver, CO 80226
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